August is Make-A-Wish Month at Mighty Ape!

For the month of August, Mighty Ape is selling exclusive limited edition Mighty Ape x Make-A-Wish collaboration T-shirts and donating all of the profits to Make-A-Wish NZ.

Every T-shirt sold will help us grant wishes for critically ill Kiwi kids around Aotearoa.
Currently, there are 326 very sick Kiwi kids waiting for their wishes to come true. Every one of these children needs a wish to give them their childhood, lost to illness, back.

The tees are available in adult and kids sizes, so the whole family can look good and feel good too.
When you buy a T-shirt you’ll also go into the draw to WIN a $500 Mighty Ape voucher!

Swing by Mighty Ape to buy a Make-A-Wish T-shirt and help make wishes come true!

You don't have to buy a t-shirt to support the campaign!

If you’d prefer, you can donate directly below and make wishes come true!

  • Jason just donated $21
  • Marian& Gerrit just donated $52
  • Louis just donated $105