Help Grant a Wish

There are over 300 Kiwi children waiting for their wish to come true.
They all need their wish to bring a spark of magic during their long, dark medical journey.

Wishes are so impactful for critically ill Kiwi kids - like Libby.

A wish is a sparkle of joy for a child facing a long, medical journey.

Mason was diagnosed with kidney cancer at 10 months old. Now seven, he has spent most of his life in hospital, undergoing countless treatments and surgeries.

Mason was very decisive and enthusiastic about his wish – in fact, when it came to choosing his wish, he shouted it over the phone. He was certain that he wanted a PlayStation 5, virtual reality headset, and a TV.

All throughout his time in hospital, Mason’s wish gave him something to look forward to, while he was recovering from his painful treatments.

It also gave him the knowledge that even if he got sick again, he’d still be able to connect with his friends and family through online gaming.

Mason’s wish came true the day he returned home from hospital, after spending over 700 days there.

Make more wishes like Mason’s come true by becoming a Make-A-Wish NZ regular giver. Just $25 a month is all it takes to bring a sparkle of joy and magic to a Kiwi child facing a dark and long health journey.

A wish brings strength to a child going through a dark and painful medical journey.

Archer has always dreamed of having a sausage dog. His mum Brooke says Archer would often wish upon dandelions. “When I asked him what he wished for, he said a sausage dog.”

Archer’s wish came true in October 2023, when he received his wonderful sausage dog – named Jeb. After enduring brutal chemotherapy treatments for leukaemia, Jeb brought a lot of joy to Archer and his family.

Brooke explains how meaningful Archer’s wish was:

“During his treatment there was a long period of time where he couldn’t walk at all and had nothing in him to be able to even try and force a smile... I used to imagine him running and laughing again and it felt almost unreachable at times. And now here he is doing those things, with his own special companion.”

Make more wishes like Archer's come true by becoming a Make-A-Wish NZ regular giver. Just $25 a month is all it takes to bring a sparkle of joy and magic to a Kiwi child facing a dark and long health journey.

Over 300 sick Kiwi kids are waiting for their wish.

A wish brings sanctuary to a child who has spent so long in hospital. 

10-year-old Ajah has a mutated gene, which means she’s more prone to cancer. When Ajah was only 7, she was diagnosed with osteosarcoma. Sadly, Ajah’s leg had to be amputated below her knee.

Ajah’s mum Sharon says Ajah is extremely resilient. “Of course, there were moments where she would ask, ‘Why did it have to happen to me? Why did I have to lose my leg?’ But she would still carry on. Even the hospital staff during her chemo, they couldn’t get over how positive she was.”

Ajah’s wish is for a bedroom makeover. After so many months spent in hospital, Ajah dreams of a bedroom that is her very own perfect sanctuary. Sharon says this wish is important for Ajah because it’s something different for her to remember things by. “It’s something for her to look forward to, after everything she’s been through.”

Ajah is still waiting for her wish, and it can’t come true without the support of people like you. Become a Make-A-Wish NZ regular giver to make Ajah’s wish, and the wishes of other critically ill Kiwi kids just like her, come true.

A wish gives a child a chance to do something they've always dreamed of.

16-year-old Riley is blind with developmental delays. Riley’s mum Heather explains that things haven’t been easy for Riley. “Riley didn’t walk until he was 10. He couldn’t just go for a play with his friends down the road. It had a huge impact. For the rest of his life it will. “

Riley suffered severe scoliosis, which meant he was in a wheelchair. A lot changed after Riley underwent scoliosis surgery – he gained 15cm of height and didn’t need his wheelchair anymore. 

Riley’s wish is to go to Auckland with his family and visit Rainbow’s End.

Heather says when their family visited theme parks in the past, Riley had to sit out of the rides because of his back, but his surgery means he’ll be able to participate now. “This wish is so important, because Riley just wants to have fun and go on the rides and be included in things that he had to sit out.”

Riley is still waiting for his wish, and it can’t come true without the support of people like you. Become a Make-A-Wish NZ regular giver to make Riley's wish, and the wishes of other critically ill Kiwi kids just like him, come true.

Why Monthly Giving?

Monthly donations help us plan ahead.

Make-A-Wish NZ relies on regular givers (WishMakers) like you to help make Kiwi kids' wishes come true.

In addition to providing greater certainty for over 300 Kiwi children waiting for their wish, your regular monthly gift also reduces administration costs, meaning more money goes directly to creating these wishes.

The impact of being a monthly giver:

  • Join an exceptional group of Kiwis who help create powerful, life-changing wishes

  • Know that even though we can't change a critically ill child's circumstances, you're bringing them a spark of magic while they face some of their darkest times.

  • Elaine just donated $31.50
  • Andy just donated $52.50
  • Chanapha just donated $47.25
  • Isobelle just donated $26
  • John just donated $105
  • Allie just donated $26.25
  • Lara just donated $50
  • Brooke just donated $151
  • Jaume just donated $52.50
  • R Sivadass just donated $25
  • Bryony just donated $21
  • Mariette just donated $1,020
  • David just donated $31.50
  • Reuben just donated $29.12
  • R Sivadass just donated $25
  • Leeanne just donated $52.50
  • Nick just donated $54
  • Andre just donated $15.75
  • Grant just donated $68.25
  • MIKE just donated $166.32